I have to disagree respectfully with the other two reviews on this documentary series, I found it very good and enjoyed it.
This series presents the Nazi high command as people in a way that I had never seen in any previous documentary or book. The writers made good and frequent use of many primary source documents - diaries, letters, court transcripts, memos and other materials - so I would in no way class this as "propaganda." I think this series is an admirable work that probably represents many hours of research and puts together information I had never seen presented like this.
Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Goering, Speer and others were not inhuman monsters who just sprang up out of nothing, they were people who behaved monstrously, and neither were they supermen nor military geniuses. This documentary gives a detailed picture of who they were as individuals through how they interacted with each other, and how these monstrous, flawed humans destroyed themselves and their own country.