Buzz-cut boy hair, and a swarming multitude of oil-slick tattoos. You can just bet there are some between her toes as well. Punk prima donna. She is, like so, not catering to little girls (and their moms) anymore...
Music video that begs the question: Just how many tattoos does this girl have? How much lack of judgment to mess herself up so prematurely and permanently just because she wanted to shake off her wholesome Walt Disney's Hannah Montana image? Says loads for the level of her lack of self-control.
Okay, she might well be the dream of scores and scores of immature fans out there, for today's standards have irrevocably changed, but, hey, that voice, this song, it's false. It screeches hoarsely. So, she doesn't want to sound sweet and melodious anymore either? So, I say, a big NO!
The best thing about Miley is that she still has pretty eyes. Cute kitty-cat eyes that no tattoo ink will get to.
I'm not saying "Come back Hannah Montana", more power to you if you want to be free, but do at least turn back, kid. CAN'T BE TAMED, where you were that big bird locked up in the cage, I loved that.
As for this though, all I think of, corrupted innocence. How uninspiring.