This film essentially begins with a young man by the name of "Hank" (Luke Persiani) persuading some of his friends to enter an abandoned prison not too far from where they live in order to capture everything on film. Although none of them are particular interested into going into a prison that is supposedly haunted, they reluctantly agree after Hank offers each of them $200 for their cooperation. And to further embellish the feel necessary for a film of this sort, Hank has secretly devised a few gimmicks to get them in the proper mindset. What neither he nor any of his friends realize, however, is that there is indeed something sinister residing in this prison and that all of their lives are in great jeopardy. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, even though the film certainly had the right setting and started off well enough, the lack of a coherent plot and sufficient character development really affected the overall movie to a significant degree. Likewise, the movie could have used a bit more suspense to heighten the horror aspects as well. Not only that, but to make matters even worse, in an apparent attempt to attract more audiences, the decision was made to slap the word "Amityville" on the title of a subsequent release--even though this movie had absolutely no connection to any of the films in that particular series. At least, there was no connection that I could discern. Be that as it may, although this film definitely had some possibilities, the faults just mentioned were much too obvious to be ignored, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.