This film begins with a police officer Shiva (Shivarajkumar) being assigned the task to kill a notorious criminal called Daali (Dhananjaya). What happens when some unforeseen circumstances occur in the pursuit of killing Daali? Will he be able to successfully kill him? Watch the movie to know that! The plot is very gripping and engrossing with a non-linear screenplay and is really mind-boggling! Shivanna and Daali Dhananjaya have acted outstandingly and you'll be enthralled by their performances. There is blood, gore and rawness in the film which makes this a very intense watch. The music of the film is exceptional with many intense and catchy songs that will leave you spellbound! The cute Manvitha Harish looks hot in her completely different role as a party girl! The other two characters to watch out are - Vasishta Simha as Chitte and Sudhi as Cockroach. The film will keep you engrossed until the very end and is one of the best films of Shivanna after Mufti.