Hmm, where do I start! I just wanted to come here and say what a fine piece of writing this thing was but even more the way it all tied together visually and the character development with sparse dialogue at times touched me deeply! and the flashback thing with the voice-over flashback to compel the "wastrel" son to do his brotherly duty! I loved it! The moments when the protagonist goes dead pan into the camera is deeply moving and quite affecting! But the best for me, is the magnificent ending and how all the threads are tied perfectly and we are left with a resounding piece of magnificent art; we must commend everyone who chipped in this project! The people who created this masterpiece should be very very proud of themselves, I watch a lot of cool stuff on Netflix but this one, this one should be canonized for a lot of reasons but for me, this one not only did its job and entertained with seminal style but expatiated on the human conditions that transcends on a universal scale.