I found out and became interested in this series after I stumbled upon an article accusing this series to be a Korean GOT copycat. I watch it in Netflix. The first episode is kinda convoluted. Viewers were thrown into the midst without any guide or explanation to the background behind the setting of the story. This probably contributed to it's low rating.
But as the season goes on, the story line become apparent and it starting to become interesting. The article cited the props and clothing as the indication that Arthdal Chronicles is a copy of GOT. But this like saying that Brooklyn Nine Nine is a copy of Law and Order because they both have guns and Police uniform. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Unlike high medieval settings of the GOT, Arthdal Chronicles was set during the early bronze age and the time when human race starting to emerge from a tribal society into an early form of nation state. More importantly, there's no dragon in Arthdal, at least not so far.