A lonely middle-aged woman (Regina Gutman) who spends her days watching the same movie over and over receives a letter by mistake, and that accidental move
from the universe sends her to a unexpected life change where she'll manage to break out from her shell and establish new and good connections with other people.
The place in question is a meeting room for the Alcoholic Anonymous, and while she's not an alcholic, she decides to stay and attend the meeting, as she was well
received by a group member (Nicola Siri, the priest from "Mulheres Apaixonadas") who encouraged her to listen to people's stories of recovery and struggle
against alcoholism.
One can easily accept and agree about her presence since it's an open meeting to anyone suffering, it's not necessarily a case of her being an intruder even
though she's not an addict person herself. And while the film doesn't address the typical recovery issues or making a pamflet for the cause, she's definitely in the
right place as usually recovery programs deal with the facts of isolation and loneliness being major catalysts for addictive behavior, and through sharing and
connecting with others one slowly removes that problematic barrier and find new positive ways of living. And a little obvious that she'll also change a little
about herself in order to better understand the group but not in the way one would imagine.
"Só Por Hoje" ("Just for Today") is a warm, well humored and well intentioned film about the small surprises of life that takes us through amazing journeys
where one can see beyond their small universes and find a new breath of life with purpose and enjoyment. And all it takes is just one step. 8/10.