Hope you come here first and read all these comments before you waste your time. The main actress was the writer and director of this movie. Olivia should have known better. She portrayed her gender very poorly and made her Asian friend look like a stupid bimbo. Literally stupid. I could not believe it. If I met her two friends at a party I would get away from them as fast as I could. The best acting was done by the main character's mother and she had very little screen time. I'm sorry but maybe it's because they couldn't afford to pay mainstream actors they got a lesser talented group and let one of them write and direct.
Now, maybe I'm not being fair. Maybe the actors were doing what they were told to do -- if so, Olivia should be drummed out of the actors/writers/directors Guild or whenever they call it. She was passable as an actress but horrible as a writer and director. It was one of THE WORST movies I've seen for a long time and that's saying something.
When I looked up the main actor Matt Merchant, on IMDb everything under his name said stunt performer. Wow. Instead of acting shy he came across as creepy. If the director thought he was doing a good job, she should not be directing for a living. Never be allowed on a movie set again.
Most of the reviews I've read here say he gave off a serial killer vibe. That's EXACTLY how I felt. I knew nothing was going to happen because of the cutesy music but it was still unnerving. And the writer did NOT do any favours for her gender gender. Made them all seem like sleazy, easy women who jump in and out of bed with men. Their conversation was cheap and lurid at times. Not necessary. Just because people are like that in real life doesn't mean I want it shoved down my throat in a pretend feel-good movie. I felt ambushed. The director probably thinks she's really "woke". That's 1 hour and 45 minutes I'm never going to get back. Guess I hung in there just to see how this trainwreck was going to end. Again, do not choose this movie.