I would definitely recommend everyone to read the book first, to try to visualize it in their head, to make a diagram of the family tree, to read about the life of the writer himself and the environment in which the work was created, so that they can enjoy the series. Of course, when we know that the writer has given the conditions under which his book can be screened, then everything takes on a deeper meaning. And really, it's convincing when you know that the action was filmed in Colombia, because that's the only way you can experience the magical realism with which it was described, not only that country, but the entire Latin American continent. Also, the series was filmed in Spanish, as Marquez requested, and it is certainly correct. Maybe some acting choices could have been different, but the acting is excellent. The plot, like the book, requires concentration, but keep your attention. I recommend it to everyone who wants to know more about the soul of a mentality and the wealth and magic of a continent.