I'm not sure if this movie is bizarre, as several previous reviewers have claimed, or just a silly attempt to slap something together that will appeal to audiences after they have sat through whatever the main feature was.
For this must certainly have been made as the B movie for houses that showed double features.
Humor: Mary Boland is her usual funny self. Sterling Halloway, who could be funny, doesn't get much to work with.
Sex: You get to see lots of "native" men and women in skimpy outfits. For 1934, this could have been titillating. No one would have mistaken them for real "natives," however. Some of them sing with noticeably New York accents.
Music: The big production number near the end, the second-last number, is pleasant.
Production values: Some of the editing of that production number is interesting.
And there you have it. For 64 minutes, it's fine. Longer than that would have been too long for something so unsubstantial.
I can't imagine anyone would have paid money to see just this, without a better main feature.