Constance Bennett and Herbert Marshall have known each other since childhood, but his father, Henry Stephenson, doesn't want them to marry. He sends Herbie away on business, and Constance isn't able to wait. True love has its time limit, I guess. She marries Herbie's best friend, Ralph Forbes, for revenge. Constance really isn't likable in this movie, since her character is both stupid, stubborn, and immature. Later in the movie, she's in knowledge of certain truths that could clear up a lot of confusion and a lot of hurt; but she refuses to tell what she knows. And she's oblivious to the one who's loved her all along. She uses men and doesn't care, but instead of a villainess, we're supposed to feel sorry for her.
It's a big melodrama that can only be seen in the silver screen. If you like the cast, you can try it out. I found it too over-the-top for my taste. It could have been fixed with a better heroine, but I just couldn't get immersed. Plus, I felt the two leads were miscast. Constance Bennett seemed too tired to actually care about anything, and Herbert Marshall didn't seem like the type of man who would let his father boss him around. If you like this movie, you might try out the silent version, A Woman of Affairs, starring Greta Garbo and John Gilbert.