Travelling burlesque chorus girl Alice White (Goldie) has a boyfriend David Manners (Jimmy) who she dotes on. She gets a telegram informing her that he has landed in jail so she jumps on a train to be with him. She has no ticket and gets indebted to policeman Robert Elliott (Mack) who pays for her journey. Alice meets with her boyfriend who has been bailed and who now works for gangster and nightclub owner Kenneth Thomson (Joe). Alice then gets involved in undercover shenanigans that puts both her life and her boyfriend's at risk.
It's an ok film made interesting by the musical number sung by White that is set to a Busby Berkeley type routine. It's ahead of it's time. Alice is also fun to watch as a cute flapper character. The film is nothing great but it does have an interest factor that puts you back in another time-zone. I read that the film had all its musical numbers cut as American audiences were fed up of musicals in 1930. The copy I saw kept the catchy "Giving it this and that".