Helen Twelvetwees is a fashion model. Her father, William Harrigan, has just been promoted to police captain. She's modeling some clothes for Afrienne Ames, when Ames' friend, Bruce Cabot, shows up. He takes a liking to Miss Twelvetrees, and sets her up in a nice house -- although she comes home -- promising to marry her. Cabot's engagement to Miss Ames is announced. He says he's going to marry Miss Twelvetrees. Then the announcement is made that Cabot and Miss Ames will be announced the next day.
There's nothing shown that could offend the censors, but the plot and characters' behaviors make it pretty raw. Erle Kenton does a pretty good job of directing, but cinematographer Karl Strauss pulls out the stops with a gracefully moving camera that does its job without calling attention to itself. The result is a solid, sordid movie that keeps the audience's attention all the way through to the end.