Sexton Blake and the Hooded Terror (1938)
* 1/2 (out of 4)
Sexton Blake (George Curzon) is looking for some stolen stamps worth a fortune and soon he runs into the Hooded Terror, a group of men who wear black costumes with a snake on the front. It seems that millionaire Michael Larron (Tod Slaughter) might be the mastermind of the group.
You know, Tod Slaughter takes quite a beating from some people because his "horror" films are more melodrama than horror. It's important to remember that Britain pretty much put a ban on horror movies so that explains why their "horror" movies from this period contain more drama, mystery and romance than actual horror elements. With that said, SEXTONBLAKE AND THE HOODED TERROR is a pretty bland mystery and those wanting horror will have to wait until the very end of the picture.
The biggest problem is that there's simply way too much boring talking for the first hour of the picture and there's not enough happening to keep you entertained. Once the film finally picks up its pace at the end you finally get some entertainment and especially with the underground tomb where all sorts of creepy things lurk including some large snakes. I will say that Curzon was good in the lead role and even Slaughter manages to not overact in his typical fashion. Still, the movie is pretty forgettable and is only for die-hard fans of Slaughter.