"Saga of Death Valley" begins many years earlier...when Roy Rogers was a kid. His father is murdered by the local baddie, Tasker, and he's seen doing it by Roy's little brother...so Tasker kidnaps the boy. But although a thug, he hasn't the heart to kill the boy so he raises him...and the boy grows into manhood (Red Barry) and thinks 'Uncle Ed' is his uncle. He's also his uncle's henchman who often does much of Tasker's dirty work.
After a long absence, Roy returns to town....and goes by the name Roy Reynolds. He is, of course, coming to investigate what happened to his father as well as to establish himself in the local community. While he appears to be a peace-loving man and is willing to put up with Tasker's huge fees for water, on the sly (get it?) he leads a group who call themselves the Riders of Death Valley...and they vow to stop Tasker. But what will Roy do about Tasker's henchman? After all, Roy recognizes him and realizes he's his long lost brother.
The location for this shoot is Lone Pine, California...in the Sierras and near Mt. Whitney. This was actually the location for nearly 1000 films....mostly, but not exclusively westerns. This isn't very far from Death Valley....although one reviewer erroneously said that the film has nothing to do with THE Death Valley. I've made a few mistakes in my many reviews...so I understand that these things happen.
Overall, a better than average Roy Rogers film due to the interesting plot. Additionally, the film is a bit grittier than his later movies...something I really appreciate.