So which rancher should have watering hole priorities for his cattle herd on an open range. Should it be the rancher whose herd stays closest to the hole (Davidson) or those herds who simply need the water (Ma
Woods). That's the main plot point, namely a struggle between those wanting an "open range" and those wanting a "closed" one. Also, note how the storyline finesses the problem. Then too, It's a tricky problem reflecting the modern issue of balancing private property with community needs.
Anyhow, it's a spectacular Hoppy western. Those scenic Alabama Hills with their jutting hard rock spires are beautifully photographed in color. No wonder the hour uses them as a backdrop for all the hard riding that may not always make plot sense, but with all the spectacle who cares. Then too, it's hard at first to make out who the bad guy is, an unusual aspect for a matinee oater, but stay tuned.
All in all, Hoppy and his sidekicks don't get their ususal screentime, having to compete with the heavy plot and scenic Hills, but still remain their entertaining selves, especially with Hoppy's occasional happy guffaw. However, don't let Andy hook you into betting which pod is
hiding the hidden pea, even though he can't seem to get his goofy scam right.
Anyhow, be sure to catch what may be Hoppy's most scenic action flick. So ride-em, cowboy, into those wonderland Hills.