Stamp Day for Superman is a neat little relic. Sponsored by the U. S. Treasury, it is considered a "lost episode" of The Adventures of Superman that starred George Reeves as the man of steel and his alter ego, Clark Kent.
In this one, Clark Kent gets the idea to go to Jimmy Olsen's school to teach kids about Stamp Day. However, he has to deal with the fact that a man who Lois saw robbing a jewelry store has decided to hold her hostage.
Yeah, this does not put too much focus on the Stamp Day topic, but that is okay, as it helps makes the special more exciting. This episode is dated as this is made in the 1950's (especially when at the time, there was tensions after the Korean War) and the lesson is pretty much a product of the era it was made in (as saving stamps was discontinued in 1970). However, it is a good episode, as it has the same action as the show it's based on, and Superman does teach the kids of the era a good lesson that is of the time.