We in Australia knew Richard Webb's series as 'Jet Jackson - Flying Commando' and wondered why the characters' lips moved strangely when 'Jet Jackson' was uttered! It would be years later before we realised that the character name had been changed (and thus dubbed) in syndication and obviously also for overseas sale. Maybe my favourite 'character' was the Bell 'Silver Dart' but this, along with 'Rocky Jones, Space Ranger' was my favourite after-school entertainment in the early 1960s.
I've picked up a few episodes of 'Captain Midnight' but it's just not the same as hearing.....'JET JACKSON.....FLY - ING COMMANDO' echo out from the TV speaker. For that I have to resort to a 40 year-old reel to reel tape. Ah, nostalgia.
Addendum: Four and a half years after my original comment, I'm still waiting for this series to appear on DVD. Here's hoping it happens before I pass on!
Further addendum: I've now acquired the 3 DVD set which includes about 30 episodes, a mixture of original 'Captain Midnight' and 'Jet Jackson' prints. The quality is variable although the soundtracks have been pretty much 'cleaned up'. Even the poorer prints are entertaining because, surprisingly, the stories are, for the time, entertaining and soundly constructed. Jim Albright, CM/JJ's alter-ego, never talks down to children which is probably why fans remember the show with affection. Our hero treated us with respect. Here's hoping that better quality prints, plus copies of the missing episodes, come to light in the future.