Erwin Hillier's superb photography in Southern Africa, though not always successfully blended with stock footage, is the main asset of this production, one of several of its kind that were so popular in the Fifties, as well as on their British TV airings a decade later. Jeanne Crain and Dana Andrews are reunited a long way from State Fair, the latter an insurance investigator with an apparent freedom to go anywhere in the world at a moment's notice and who turns out to be a crack shot of Olympic standard, as of course one would. Ms Crain shows the ability of leading ladies of the era in this kind of movie to take whatever the jungle can throw at her without a mark on her clothing or a hair out of place, to say nothing of costume changes every five minutes or so. David Farrar plays the type of heel you certainly wouldn't want to go into the jungle with, though it's not easy to see why such an intelligent and resourceful man would go to the risks he does. The hero would now probably be up on a charge of stalking for the way he pursues Ms Crain in the first half, but it was Romance back then. Despite or even because of all the inconsistencies and incongruities I thoroughly enjoyed it.