"Top of the World" is a movie about the US Air Force in Alaska, though it's mostly about a Major making some pretty inappropriate advances to a female officer who he used to be married to long ago. When the Major ISN'T hitting on her or arguing with her, the film has some interesting scenes such as a rescue on the ice as well as some amazing aircraft, such as the C-47 transport and the Twin Mustang.
This is a film where you really notice how times have changed! While Airmen today might say a few of the sexist things they said in the film, it's not officially tolerated and the story seems to imply that if you badger a woman long enough, she'll come falling into your arms. Heck, the Major makes some of these comments in front of fellow officers...it was seemingly that accepted. Regardless, the film is at its worst during these 'love scenes' and would have been better without it.
For a MUCH better film about the US Air Force during this Cold War period, try Jimmy Stewart's STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND...a film where the planes are the stars and the romance is good and less annoying.