While in Paris during World War 2 a bumbling American sergeant by the name of "Boysie Oakes" (Rod Taylor) saves a British secret agent named "Mostyn" (Trevor Howard) by accidentally killing his two attackers. Several years later Mostyn has moved up in his intelligence career and is confronted by several embarrassing intelligence leaks within his agency. So, his boss formulates a plan to stop these leaks by killing the suspected spies working in their midst. Since they need an assassin, Mostyn immediately thinks of Boysie. Anyway, they hire him unaware that he is not the cold-hearted killer they think he is and give him orders to kill. Now, rather than going over the whole plot and risk ruining the movie for those who haven't seen it, I will just say that this was an interesting movie from that time period. Admittedly, it starts off a bit slow, but it does pick up a bit after that with Jill St. John (as "Iris") providing some good scenery along the way. Unfortunately, there isn't much humor, action or suspense to really get excited about, so essentially, she is about the only thing that keeps this film going. As such I rate the movie as pretty much average.