I was delighted to see this film as I am a voracious consumer of anything about the American Revolution. Aside from any possible historical flaws mentioned by others I found some of the directing touches quite interesting. Most novel was the way George Washington was portrayed when Jones went to visit him at Valley Forge. He was filmed only from the back as would be seen by some observer (e.g. news reporter ) in the room. The effect was quite powerful. It saved us worrying about things like if the actor playing Washington looked enough like him etc. and simply gave us a ghostly impression of the Washington we read about in the history books - namely, a giant of a man both physically and morally and probably the greatest man in history. It occurred to me that Director John Farrow was portraying not the man but rather alluding to the LEGEND on screen. If that was the aim he certainly succeeded.
The 'living presence' of the legend was enhanced by the fact that the image spoke in that arcane English of the time.
The net result was that a huge cinematic impression was provided of a very great man. Nice directing twist innovation !