What can you say about this,,,its about the most sleazy film ever made,1st off don't forget its all simulated so don't be going all save the animals on it,,still I very much doubt it'll be coming to a videostore near you soon,the only directors who come close to this in the pure exploitation stakes are Renato Polselli and Andrea Bianchi.
The film starts in pure trashy 70's Italian sleaze top gear,with a woman being watched by her daughter having (I must say again thank heavens its simulated) sex with a rottweiler,she gets interrupted by her husband who ties the dog up and sets fire to the house with the dog inside,this all before the titles have finished,,move forward a bit in time,,,,and a set of mid life crises hit swingers move near said area and end up in a relationship with the daughter who's now a little bit older,,,from then on the sleaze really kicks in,,i don't wanna totally give away spoilers so I'll leave it at that,it all ends bloody which you can always be sure the Italian gaillo films will,fans of euro sleaze will i'm sure be happy with this film which I gave a 9-10 for sleaze content and a pretty fair 5 for the film itself,,,happy hunting folks