On a remote island a young girl sees her mother having sex with a dog. The father interrupts, ties the dog to furniture, sets the house a fire then they leave. Years later, a couple comes to the island where a few other tourists are and soon meets the girl who has grown up a few years.
First, the main premise is about the dog. A YouTuber had posted (which was repeated by others) that the sex with the dog was real. Complete BS. Second, it actually is a very small part of the movie.
The main focus of the film is on the couple, an architect who is scoping out the island for construction and his wife who after ten years of marriage wants nothing more than a child. Plus in a small group of the eclectic tourists or locals the couple socializes with. Add in later as the couple gets friendly with the young girl.
The story is well made and gets more complex as it goes along. We get to learn about everyone on the island a little at a time. Most characters are multidimensional which kept it interesting. There is nudity. Not a lot, but not a little. Some what I thought were non-erotic sex scenes, none of which were explicit.
My expectations were to be mainly bored. This story would actually hold up on its own even without the dog or sex scenes. Decent movie to watch.