Outstanding. Superlative. Out of this world. No other words seem adequate regarding this magnificent series.
I am a retired social studies teacher. This series would have been so perfect for my grade 8 history students. It was so rich in history and personal emotions.
As far as the Emmy awards go,Backstairs should have tied with Roots for the best mini-series of the season.
The acting was outstanding. Robert Vaughn brought the perfect touch to Woodrow Wilson. Whoever thought that the character of Florence Harding, who died in 1924, under mysterious conditions was so interesting? Celeste Holm was simply memorable as Mrs. Harding. Eileen Heckart was memorable as Eleanor Roosevelt. Lee Grant brought the perfect touch to Grace Coolidge. Julie Harris set the tone as Nellie Taft.
Actresses Olivia Cole and Leslie Uggams, in a totally non-singing role, were just fabulous as the mother and daughter who worked for so many years at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
This is another Best Years Of Our Lives.
We all realize the sacrifices that were made during the extremely informative period of history. We are also shown that the White House was a scene of constant tragedy mixed with a total triumph of the human spirit.
We need more series of this quality.