RIP David Lynch, you would've loved Takashi Ito's Thunder. Or maybe he did love Takashi Ito's Thunder; he could've feasibly seen it at some point. But then again, I read an anecdote about Kenneth Anger's Scorpio Rising apparently being too weird for Lynch to enjoy, so who knows what he really liked when it came to experimental short films.
Thunder is super cool in terms of how it looks and sounds for like three and a bit of its five minutes, and then it started to wear out its welcome just a little toward the end. Still, we're talking about like 90 seconds here that felt kind of tedious, so it's not much, but I guess if a short film should've been shorter, that can be a criticism... maybe? Anyway, it's still worth giving a few minutes of your time too, just because of how strange and even absorbing it is for a while. Words are powerless to describe just about anything here (complimentary).