The outline: one contestant has to choose between three, unseen-to-whom members of the opposite sex, their only help being the answers to three questions asked by them to them (capped off by a recap by 'Our Graham'). The resulting 'couple' are then off for a holiday (anywhere from Alton Towers to the Seychelles), having picked a card from one of several (although, typically, the guy acts like the perfect gentleman, allowing the girl to pick). A week on, and they return, complete with footage of their holiday, and their verdict on one another.
Obviously fixed show. Gullible viewers believe that the guy/girl choosing asks three questions of his/her own choice, to which the three hopefuls of the opposite sex reply with their own responses. The more cynical viewer, however, will surely realize that the contestants rarely fail to offer a witty, intelligent reply with remarkable spontaneity, despite often looking a sandwich short of a picnic.
Contestants are usually selected for their good looks, although a contestant (usually a guy) considerably less blessed in the looks department than the other two will, on occasion, be selected; presumably for entertainment value.
It could well be that the contestants haven't met the member/s of the opposite sex before the show is filmed, but they've certainly been informed as to the questions and the 'correct' responses to which. It also, as the other poster hinted, is a tad suspicious when at least one of the hopefuls displays a characteristic/trait that the girl/guy choosing states as one of their pet hates. All very amusing and entertaining (if you've a mental age lower than five, and hence lack the intelligence to see through).
Invariably, also, the 'happy' couple tend not to get on too well, with the girl in particular usually complaining about one or several of the guy's habits, upon their return. I believe that only ever one couple has been made through the show (a pair that got married).
Still: it could be worse, and it's harmless; probably appeals to morons, though.