If you're old enough to remember when television networks aired movies of the week--usually part 1 on Sunday nights and part 2 on Tuesday nights--you'll probably understand how this film fits into that, at least in my view. Remakes, reboots, and reworkings have been a part of storytelling since it began, but the question I'm left with is...why? Why did someone decide that Old Acquaintance, with Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins, would work as an updated, R-rated film, especially with a television-like feel to it?
I disagree with reviewers who say this is wonderfully cast. Yes, there is chemistry between Bisset and Bergen, but that doesn't mean it works for the film as a whole. I do, however, agree that Bergen's southern accent is more than just distracting. She slips in and out of it so often, I wanted to stop watching.
The movie did, in my opinion, pick up around the 1 hr 30 min mark; and that's the only reason I watched it in its entirety. It was fun and slightly nostalgic to see Meg Ryan in her debut. And I also agree with other reviewers who comment on Ms. Bergen's cool wardrobe. I also reluctantly concede that Deleure's music score is too sappy for this production.
In all, it's average and nothing more. If you're big fans of either of the lead actresses, it's worth your time. Otherwise, it's kind of a snooze fest.