This was my absolute favorite movie as a young teen. We taped it on our VCR and my sister and I watched it so much, and drove my mom so crazy with it, that my mom actually had to take it away from us.
We pretty much had it memorized line for line...and when we quoted it, even stretched out our words when Margaret is talking to the guy in the video store...because our tape was so used it stretched out and slurred the words.
We still refer to the movie sometimes. In fact, I know that we have some lingo that we use that came from the movie. I don't think I go through a fast food drive-through without remembering Shelly and Dan at the drive-through ordering all that food. It's a movie that has just really stuck with me as I've grown up.
I'm 30 now and just ordered the DVD and can't wait to see it again -- it'll be like a reunion with old friends!!!