As I write this, there is only one other review for this movie. What's up with that? Is this some sort of rare flick that nobody watched or is it that nobody wants to watch it? Anyways, it's not that bad and this is coming from a guy with a pretty low threshold of tolerance for movies like this. It utilizes the "battle of the sexes" shtick in a way that I associate with movies from the 1940's and 1950's more than I would with the 1980's and beyond and, as such, I tend to say it is a movie that would never get made in this day and age. The guys are insensitive and oblivious but mean well; the women want more respect and justly so. The movie isn't mean-spirited or "feminist" and at the end of the flick both parties recognize how they both complement each other despite their differences and march happily off into the sunset, vowing to try to do better towards each other. There are a couple laughs in it and it's watchable for someone who grew up in the 70's and 80's, not that I'll be watching it again any time soon. Got my $0.50 worth of entertainment out of it.