This period piece, taking us back to the 50's in Bundaberg, Queensland of all places, is a Romeo and Juliet tale that doesn't fare too bad. Hunky American export (Schlatter) falls for blonde hottie Lola (Minogue) where soon, thanks to adverse opinion by locals, family, they're on the lam, hunted down by police. The movie gets quite serious, as it shows us how ironfisted, stalwart the law was, as well as corrupt. The much missed Bruno Lawrence I liked, as a bosun, who sides with stowaway Schlatter, keeping him and better half, down deck. It's a happy ending in a kind of cruel way, as to having their unlikeable folks in a chow down, but it's one you will remember. You will also remember a woman face from Moving Out, as Minogue's new girlfriend, who provides the most tragic moment of the film. Minogue holds her own as the temptuous and impulsive Lola and she does have a nice a*se, Sexy and flirtatious, she really gives the character oomph, where I did like Schlatter too, but didn't measure up to Kylie. Her mistress at her boarding home, is one of the nastiest pasties I met. As for tears on your pillow, you'll have to wait till the end credits. A good Aussie, period piece drama, especially for you romantics. Delinquents is an unfair term, to these two characters though.