Compared to Hayao Miyazaki's GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, War In The Pocket is short on action and high on sentimentality, which sets it apart from many of the other Gundam shows. Don't worry, there are some very well-animated action scenes in this series, and some great mecha designs(By PATLABOR'S Izukicki) which update a lot of the old-school Gundam designs, and also feature some nifty original designs like the Kampfer and Gundam Alex. Anyway, this series is one of the most emotional Gundam series. It's the last few days of the One Year potrayed in the original series, and a new Gundam prototype has been discovered at a supposedly neutral space colony. A team of Zeon commandos is sent to destroy it, however things get a little thrown off when one of the commandos befriends a civilian boy and starts unsuspectedly becomes friendly with the Gundam pilot herself. BTW, mecha fans might be interested in the fact that the character designer of this series is Haruhiko Mikimoto, who also did Macross(AKA Robotech Part I). This is the first of four Gundam OAVs. Over the course of the 90s, Gundam 0083(1991) 08th MS team(1996) and Endless Waltz(1997)