"Nick Knight" (Rick Springfield) is a detective who has recently been assigned a case involving a serial killer who not only murders people but also drains them of their blood. Needless to say, the media is having a field day with this strange development and have half-jokingly begun to refer that the serial killer is a vampire. What the media-or anybody else-knows is that Detective Knight just happens to be a real vampire and has taken a special interest in this case. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say to say that this was one of the better Vampire movies produced in the late-80's and early-90's mainly because it doesn't follow the normal pattern of almost all of the other Vampire films prior to this time. The fact that this was also a made-for-television movie makes it even more unique as quite often these films lack imagination and originality. That being said however, I must admit that the special effects were rather basic and could have used some significant improvement. Be that as it may, I enjoyed the movie for the most part and have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.