This syndicated show followed the ups and downs of a new single mom played by Diana Canova (of the short-lived "I'm A Big Girl Now" TV series) as an employee of a small fledgling record company. She juggles life as a divorcee while juggling responsibilities at her new job at a small record company.
If you can ever get a chance to view an episode of this mid-eighties series, you can see an improbably young Jane Leeves (fresh from her stint as a "Benny Hill Show" Girl) as "Blue," the de rigueur British import.
The big hairstyles, 80's wardrobes and '80s music would probably make this series seem even more dated now, but not quite seem old enough to be a classic.
It was partly a poorer-man's "W.K.R.P in Cincinnati" mixed with a less-ambitious "Mary Tyler Moore" but wasn't much worse than other 80's syndicated shows. No ground was broken here as the plots were as formulaic as they were predictable, but it had a certain scrappiness.