The label "fare dodger" would be an undeserved kindness with this senior citizen, her with her atrocious thoughts on the crowded bus, saying them out loud like an unsolicited salesperson, except far more deplorable.
It was not unwatchable; the climax no doubt garners some relieved sighs, consorting chuckles , and maybe even a few righteous cheers. But it was discomfiting and disrespectful. Racism is fine as a theme to examine, but as far as entertainment and viewing experience goes, if one decides to be explicitly offensive, make it worth it. The balance in this short film was uneven, something that felt like 90 percent vulgarity and racial slurs, ignorance on full display with little interaction (bystander effect, anyone?), with less than a minute to feel the satisfying revenge.
Some audiences might be less effected and therefore more tolerant of the repeated, unchecked discriminative and racist comments turned monologue from this ignorant and insolent old lady, but others will no doubt agree that is was not worth the wait.