Two bored high school students, Bonnie (Maureen Flannigan) and Clyde (Scott Wolf) are two teenagers out for excitement. A chance run in is all it takes for Clyde to be smitten with Bonnie. She initially wants nothing to do with Clyde. Bonnie thinks he's a dweeb! Clyde's relentless is his pursuit of Bonnie, to the point of following her and her boyfriend. When Bonnie gets caught stealing from a record store, Clyde gets involved with trying to get Bonnie out of trouble. This is the beginning of their bonding. Both discover that they aren't as different from each other as they originally thought.
Bonnie and Clyde start out small at first with a little shoplifting. As things progress, the couple get more daring and up the stakes each time. Before they know it Bonnie and Clyde are fugitives trying to outrun the law. The thrill keeps them going.
I wasn't quite sure want to expect of Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde, but I found the movie to be pretty good.