I don't get why this is classified as horror? I watched this because I heard it was a drama about child abuse, which I suppose is partially true. It is filled with truly terrible people, but there is no horror in the traditional sense to speak of. Yes, people get lit on fire, animals are either tortured or torture is described, and and that's just the tip of the ice burg here. However, you may read that going "Sounds like horror to me", it isn't presented in that way, however, it is written both hamfistedly moralistic and morally vague, what with the characters who describe awful things as though they are talking about a recipe for scones at times.
Many will call this artsy fartsy, and I suppose they are not wrong, it definitely has ambitions for high art. If you have watched any of the films by Todd Solondz and liked them, you will enjoy this(I don't like Solondz, but I did enjoy this film, so it isn't a prerequisite). His films are all shock, and little style, whereas the reflecting skin is a highly allegorical tale shot in a beautiful and artistic matter. The shots of fields of grain are just breathtakingly beautiful.
The acting here is fantastic, especially given the surreal and bizarre events of the film. Even the child actors do a great job. Again, technically this film is so well-made, it is one of the prettiest films, at times, I have watched. who thought a wheat field could look so beautiful? Some people may see flaws in the script due to it's horrible characters, but it is obvious this film was not written to have characters you like... So that is not a flaw in the script, it is personal preference of the viewer. The main child character, somehow garners sympathy, even though he is just as awful, if not more so than the adults.
This film stands the test of time, and far exceeds many of the films that were it's contemporaries in most regards, but as technically proficient as it is, it is not a film for the masses. If you look at this as an allegory for the end of childhood innocence and death, it will probably make a heck of a lot more sense.
God Bless ~Amy