The story: Two kids living in the middle of nowhere watch the funeral of the old guy in town that no one likes. They decide to attend the auction where all his property is sold, and due to bad weather and lack of interest by anyone else, they buy his old barn and all its contents for tuppence. As they open it up and have a look inside, they find an old red biplane - and suddenly they have the chance to get away from their boring lives... After their pilot training at the hands of an old (ancient) stunt pilot, it also involves stranding in a colony of treehugging hippyfolk that send them on a quest to find a runaway girl in Vancouver, with the second half of the movie sharing a few aspects with Oliver Twist.
As kids' entertainment goes, this isn't bad. It's average. I used to like the movie a lot because I am fanatical about planes - without that hobby, I might have found it a lot more boring. Indeed, the few shots of Vancouver airport with planes of now-defunct Wardair Canada in the background endeared the movie to my heart - something someone less into aviation would not understand. So, if you take out the planes, what you're left with is a slightly surreal, not very exciting movie for kids. And it does not have one consistent storyline - the entire thing feels like 3 episodes of a series about kids in a plane stitched together, and not like one story.