I don't know very much about the late Steve James, but I always enjoyed his work in action movies. James was the coolest of the cool. He seemed to take his job as an entertainer very seriously, but was usually cast as black sidekicks to white protagonists. Street Hunter is an exception. James is the main character in Street Hunter, but you wouldn't know it from the deceptive video packaging. It almost seems to be an attempt to hide the fact that the movie is about a black hero. The movie itself is a very low budget flick, but James' character comes across as a very cool and likable hero. He's a great guy with a great heart. The cast also includes Reb Brown (he's a lot of fun in this), John Leguizamo, Thom Christopher, the lovely Valerie Pettiford, and singer Richie Havens. The cast help to make this lackluster movie rather likable. It's not a great action flick, but Steve James' Street Hunter is one of my all time favorite video heroes. He's got heart, soul, and he's ultra-cool. God Bless Steve James.