"The Stranger Within" is one of those stories that keeps you glued to your seat untill the end!
Having your 3-year old son abducted in a grocery-store is every mother's nightmare. After several years of pain and guilt Mare found some happiness with her new boyfriend Dan. What is she going to do when one day a handsome boy appears on her doorstep claiming to be her long lost abducted son? Can he prove who he claims to be? Is it a setup? What is his gain by tormenting Mare with her past? Will Mare choose between her new boyfriend and her son? The chemistry between Rick Schröder and Kate Jackson is incredible! Both actors give a top notch performance resulting in horrific screen moments and tension. You keep on guessing untill the end whether or not Mark is the lost son! Whatever the outcome, this movie stays in your memory for many years to come!
A word of advice: do not go near the frozen lake!