I have made better films with my mates then this pile of dump, It is terrible from start to finish and i cannot understand how this was released.
I am a big fan of the 2 Corey's but this film is a joke and not a funny one. The acting is appalling from every cast member, the script is shockingly bad, there is no plot and since there only seems to be around 4 locations, it must have cost peanuts to make.
This film is basically a very bad porno although i don't think it is supposed to be one, for some reason every 6 or 7 minutes there seems to be some type of poorly directed sexual scene and every actress is only in it because of their looks, none of them have any acting ability at all.
If you want to watch a good film with Feldman in it try watching the goonies, stand by me or licence to drive (Haim also stars in this). Do not under any circumstances watch this incredibly awful piece of *@#* .