I was under the impression that being the victim of rape was just about the worst thing that can happen to a woman , a horrific violent ordeal that I can barely imagine , but when the lead character Billie is raped by an unseen attacker it seems all that rape involves is a woman getting her face rubbed gently on the ground . Worse than that when Billie finds out she`s pregnant by the rape she hardly bats an eyelid . I don`t think I have to hammer home to you how ridiculous this appears on screen . I know it`s a TVM so there`s broadcasting standards to observe and I suppose this prissy attitude is slightly more preferable than the full throttle stomach churning exploitation of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE but to treat such a serious subject in such a light manner comes close to being offensive . As the story continues it gets even more depressing plot wise but SIN AND REDEMPTION still failed to hold my attention except to make ask how can one woman be so unlucky in life ? It`s like watching an American version of EASTENDERS and just as realistic