I saw this thing in the theaters, people. Can you believe it? And I actually took the material seriously and thought it was probably the single coolest thing I would ever see in my lifetime. Thank God I went on to my 11th birthday. One of my friends still digs all things Ranger, so he started playing it during play practice breaks. After having it sit on my shelf for so long (yes, we actually own the video...shut up), I couldn't believe how much I had forgotten. The horribly obvious wire work with Billy, the 'cool' new plastic suits (as opposed to the cheap spandex suits of ye olde television era), the offensively dumb Ivan Ooze villain, and especially the giant foam skeleton of a triceretops that attacks our heroes (wow, this movie has EVERYTHING!). The whole thing just screams Early 90's, when all kids could think of to do for fun was pretend to be Tommy and break their buddy's arm while pretending he was Lord Zedd (crap, I actually remember who Lord Zedd is!). Things are just corny from start to finish here, like the new and improved Ninja Rangers with their spiffy Early 90's Computer Animated Zords (gotta love the Frog Zord). From what I remember, Turbo was even more insipid than its big brother, so if you have to choose which one to watch during your Elementary School Nostalgia-Thon Fest Bonanza, go with this puppy. Trust me, even though it's Grade-A junk food, it will make you laugh with the memories. 2/4 Stars