In the mysterious and mythical world of Thailand, lives a peaceful and wise King made out of Ginseng. But all is not well, and a scheming group of ninja monsters are on the hunt to find and kidnap the King, so they can deliver him to the three-headed demon monster. With the healing, life-strengthening powers that the Ginseng King possesses, this is not good. Not good at all. The Ginseng King's salvation is in the hands of a young boy who likewise needs the Ginseng King's powers to help save his nazi-zombie bitten blood-drained mother (!!). Will the young boy save the King and his Mother, or will the three-headed Demon rule supreme?
I'll try to contain my excitement here, but it's difficult. The Ginseng King is a fantastic fantasy flick that delivered way more than any would ever expect it to. It's slightly campy, but also surprisingly funny. It's occasionally draggy in some areas, but more often than not it'll have you smiling with the fantasy elements and martial arts action. And leading the way is colorful, selfless and wise, Ginseng King. If you're just now hearing about this flick, do yourself a favor and watch it. The Ginseng King and the Neverending Story would make for a great fantasy film night double-feature.