Before The Money Pit came on the scene, a year earlier, this little gem came out. Hardly having a cinema screening (it was actually on together with Wills And Burke) this little beauty was responsible for a new Aussie icon, Les Tunkley of Tunkley Tyres. His brother Des, his wife and kid reside in a beach caravan park. The wife, a hot Joy Smithers, wants out. So they move out into Sydney's West or South West to a new estate area, where unlike The Money Pit, things slowly start to come apart, even the letterbox keels over. This is what makes the film more fun, really wondering what next is gonna go. They live in a court, where soon, a friendship, turns sour with the neighbours across the street. As you can imagine the whole house comes apart at the end, which was fun to watch. If compared to Money Pit, this one is actually more fun, probably cause I'm an ocker, the woman real estate agent, I thought was a hoot. If a fan of movies like The Castle, This one I guarantee you'll like. Although it's not side splitting, this better spelled backward titled, Emoh Ruo, has some colourful, memorable, if classic moments, due to some of it's wacky characters. Invest in this flick today, which would be much harder than house hunting, to track this flick down.