Was not sure what to expect when I watched this, but I was not expecting the greatest of films and it certainly lived up to those lofty expectations! A film where all the stuff that would have made a reasonably cool film are merely hinted at while we get to see the very mundane stuff. Yes, welcome to the world of extremely low budget family friendly fantasy!
The story, well grandma reads kids a story that is packed full of action from the sounds of it, but has no impact as we witness nothing and hear it all. The grandchildren look ready to pass out from boredom. Then a car speeds down the road as the kids and their parents are going to live in a village that looks like a movie set. Seriously, a faker looking town you could not find. They are unwanted guests as Malcolm McDowell assaults the two kids and warns of impending doom, while dad comes down with some sort of ailment that is going to kill them and there are faeries that the girl sees, but has little to no interaction with, but she trusts them implicitly.
It is always cool seeing Malcolm McDowell in a film, but not sure he is the right guy for this job. I mean, he acts his usual self scaring children and nearly knocking a fairy's head off with a shovel, but this is a family film, so those things seem out of place. Then there is Corbin who plays the role with no subtleness coughing to let us know something is wrong and then going ballistic when there may be gold on the property. The kids and mom do alright for a film of this type, sometimes getting a named actor just to get people to view your movie is not the right move.
So we get father and his kids working side by side in a dangerous mine where there is a hole that looks several hundred feet deep. A crazy lunatic that warns of death and bully children that were apparently chasing the son of the family...I seriously had no idea what the deal was with them until they yelled, "Get him!" It is just a very poor story with very strange shifts in plot and direction. Not the worst movie ever, but needed a lot of work to be considered okay.