This is a pivotal film which not only exposed conditions for the wives of army personnel at the time, but caused the political upheaval which went a long way to improve conditions for these women.
Improving social conditions is just about the most noble function any film can hope to perform and this one has done it well.
Written, shot and performed by some great names in Oz drama, it works with a perfect economy of dialogue and visuals. It's hard not to empathise with the positions of every character, even the hard nosed antagonists.
I saw it today and even though it's been about 10 years since my previous viewing, the film has lost nothing and subsequent viewing reveals more and more.
A marvellous production given the budget those involved worked with, and direction that put me right in the frame with every character involved.
Anne Brooksbank has a deserved reputation for writing powerful, pivotal, pertinent Australian drama, and Army Wives is no exception.
Zig Zag