One untitled episode of this series is available at the Matinée Classic website. The show takes place in an unnamed metropolitan city. As the introductory narration tells us the stories are about "a war that starts with a crime and begins with an arrest." The series focuses on the activities in a police station, Pricinct 11. The main thread of the story is the investigation into two murders that happened during a fight between two rival teen-age gangs. A sub-story is the arrest for a charity scam pulled by an elderly woman. The show ends with a brief segment of the eventual sentences of the gang killer and the old lady. When I confirmed the date of this episode as I was amazed as the production values were those of television shows 8 to 10 years earlier - flimsy sets, poor audio quality, rather static camera work, and in a couple of cases the acting was very poor indeed. Incredible for a 1959 production. Even so, it's a shame that evidently most of the episodes are lost - it would be interesting to see more of them. The only actor I recognized was Henry Beckmann who had quite a career as a character actor - I remember him from at least one Perry Mason show.