The second installment to the Broly series reprises the second coming of the Legendary Super Saiyan. Its time to continue the fight for the start of the legendary super saiyan rebirth. This one includes a lot more humor, less intensity, but still keeps the DBZ feeling, and name.
Its been seven years since the fight with Broly, with Goku in the Otherworld, and Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Videl on a search for the Dragon Balls. They encounter a village under attack by a monster, and soon learn who the monster is. Broly becomes resurrected, and takes on all four on his own.
Although short, this film is quite epic, as well as funny. It is rather ridiculous at times though, like when Trunks pees on Broly's face. Its mostly just child play humor with Goten and Trunks, but when Gohan enters the battle, it gets really intense. Has awesome music, just like the first one, and gives us exactly what we expected. The Legendary super saiyan fighting against Gohan, for the fate of the universe. The way he's defeated is pretty decent, and the fighting scenes make the movie seem longer.
In conclusion, its well made and continues the Broly series on a high note!