I'm confused by Deidre's "armor". (A short skirt and little bitty short sleeves?!? When the guys are covered head to toe?!?) If I were one of the enemy, I'd be aiming my weapons at her legs... but maybe she's wearing mystic stockings?
Also, did I miss something in the first episode? Maeve has said, several times, that her ancestors were cheated out of Kels, and that's why she's fighting to conquer it - if she's wrong, shouldn't somebody have said "Yoo-hoo, they weren't cheated, they lost it in a poker game!" Maybe that's how they'll end the series... the king will show Maeve her great-grandfather's marker, she'll slap her forehead in embarrassment, and call off her troops. :)
It's one of the aspects of Saban productions (cf Power Rangers) that I don't care for - that the villainesses are very strong, emotionally and physically, but the "good" girls are pretty much "yes-women" (that is, telling children that it's *bad* to have your own opinion and fight for what you want, but it's *good* to do what the boys say... it's not far from there to "math is hard, let's make cookies for the boys!").
And perhaps the production crew might think about a different method of putting the beasties on the screen - they're interestingly made, but don't mesh well with the live action.